Sunday Sonnet

I have several books dedicated to sonnets & The Making of a Sonnet: A Norton Anthology, edited by Edward Hirsch & Eavan Boland is one of my favorites.  I’m not even sure where I got this book.  I think at some used book store in New England, when I was living there a few years ago.  But I don’t remember.  I collect so many books, especially collections of sonnets.  I really love the sonnet form.


I have always loved Norton anthologies.  I have a bunch of them.  They’re the best.  Not only do they have a great collection of literature within their covers, but they also have really great analysis of the poems, stories, essays.

As for this this collection, I can open up this book to any page & find a wonderful poem to read … to recite out loud … to share with a friend … it’s the most wonderful book.  ALL my sonnet books are great but this is one of the very BEST.

So for today … this is the sonnet I’m sharing.  & I just opened up the book!  I didn’t plan ahead or anything.  Here it is:




Ya know, I don’t even care about the rhyme scheme or anything.  This is sublime.  & it’s so lovely to write poems to poets that you love.  I’m so happy that I read this poem today & that I was able to share this with you.  (or you’s … I’m from Buffalo, after all).


Hirsch, Edward & Boland, Eavan. The Making of a Sonnet: A Norton Anthology. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008.