Saturday Caturday … Gee, It’s Monday

Well, I’ve had family in town & yesterday was my birthday & I haven’t sat at my desk for several days. As you can see, I have lots of work piled up … the other side of my laptop is as congested at the side you can see! & of course, there’s Radar! LOL

May 13: Norma Klein


Klein, Norma. Sunshine. NY: Avon Books, 1974. excerpt found on page 55.

picture of Norma Klein found on Wikipedia. Originally published in Lilith magazine.

Saturday Caturday

I had another migraine this morning so the blinds were all down to shut out the sunlight. The cats didn’t like this but they’re used to it. They were in the living room, getting what sunshine they could. I was lying down on the couch in my study & I probably wouldn’t have even noticed them but I got up to use the bathroom & I thought ~ well, there’s a picture. I was happy I got the shot before either of them noticed me & they moved. They love to move & ruin the shot. They do it all the time.

Saturday Caturday

I bought a little notebook so I could start making notes for a story/novel I’ve been thinking about for several years. I figured if I don’t start writing down what’s in my head, I’ll never write it.

I put it on the dresser next to my bed because I often wake up with ideas.

So of course ~ look who’s sleeping on the notebook.

He didn’t sleep there all day & I did get a lot written. But I had to laugh. Fucking Radar! Ya know?