Conservative Christian Republicans really, really, really don’t like to abort babies. Interestingly enough, aborting a baby isn’t a thing. Neither is Baron Barron. #BeBest

Another GREAT post by Margaret & Helen!

Margaret and Helen

Margaret, I don’t suffer fools gladly. Nor do I gladly suffer today’s Conservative Christian Republicans. And now that I’ve read those first two lines, I realize I’m being repetitive.

To be clear there are some of each I can tolerate and some I even love. Not all conservatives are racists, but many are without even knowing it. Not all Christians are hypocrites and I would venture to say most aren’t. And not all Republicans are asshats although I’m beginning to think most are. But every Conservative Christian Republican I have met has very definitely been a racist, hypocritical asshat. Every. Single. One. By definition.

By definition a conservative is a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes. The problem with that is traditionally we have created a country that values some and discriminates against others. America has a real problem with racism and other-ism…

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One Reply to “”

  1. I follow them. LOVE these ladies.

    These type of Christians are such hypocrites. It makes me ill. They care nothing about helping the child nor the mother after the birth, especially if the child is a minority or poor.

    When you talk about very early abortion, they always mention the potential for life. Well every time someone chooses to have sex one day and not another or one hour and not another, there is that potential of what zygote might be formed …or not.

    We are all here because our parents had sex a certain day or certain time and therefore someone else is not here…

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