Saturday Caturday

I am still fighting migraines. My sinuses are the culprit. Yesterday I was in bed all day. It was bright sunshine all day & there’s nothing worse than a migraine on a sunny day. Today it’s grey & drizzly & my migraine isn’t so bad but I am still hanging out in bed. I slept most of the morning & when I woke up, Radar was at my feet, snoring away.

I got up to find Bobby & he was in the study, on the love seat.

When I went back to my bedroom, Bobby followed me & curled up in bed next to me, purring away. I tried to get a picture of him but it wasn’t very good, since he was too close to me. But oh well.

The drizzle has turned to rain & I am going to lie down with the kitties. Happy Caturday, everyone.

14 Replies to “Saturday Caturday”

      1. Annie, I could but then I would have to go get them. & the last time I got samples, they were that new stuff that Lady Gaga is promoting & that stuff made me really sick. Throwing up kind of sick. I don’t tolerate meds very well. The stuff I take, rizatriptan, works but it messes up my guts. But it does work.

        I realized this morning that Febreze, which I use in my bathroom after using the toilet, triggers migraines. Of course I don’t want my house to smell like a latrine but I’ll have to find another solution. It’s always something!!

  1. I may have mentioned this before, SilverAQ, but I cured my sinus problems with an old yoga technique of ‘snorting’ mild salt-water. It’s. Bit yucky, as you need to spit it out on the return from the sinuses (via mouth) but once you get used to doing it, it’s fabulously effective! More details if you like…

      1. Mix a half cup of lukewarm water with a half teaspoon of salt in a small cup. Stir. Position the lip of the cup on your upper lip just below the nostrils and tilt towards you snorting in as you do so. Do it gently till you get used to how much you can take in. It will shoot up into your sinuses and drip down into your throat allowing you to spit out. If it’s too strong, dilute. If too weak and you can’t taste the salt, increase the dose. Persevere! Once you’ve got the hang of it you’ll have a lifelong friend. And it’s practically free. Good luck. 😉 .

      2. When you’re all blocked up, do it several times a day. You may feel that the first one didn’t do much, but it will gradually penetrate and clear.

  2. Purrs are good for what ails one 😀 … and ‘insurance’ is a right bastard. We’re battling with ours to get reimbursed. Funny how they’re sooo quick to take our money but not to do what we pay them to, eh?

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