Saturday Caturday

I don’t know what I did to my left knee but I can’t put any weight on it & I can barely walk. It’s been hurting for a week now. Is this what my golden years are going to be like? One part of me breaking down after another? Is this what I get for dancing all those years? Is this what I get for being this girl ~

(I still have that black lace teddy. It looks so unbelievably small I can’t believe I ever wore it. & look at that hair! I had hair that long & dark at one time!)

Anyway ~ I’m not moving any too well nowadays. I spent most of yesterday on my bed, reading & dozing. The weather sucks here so I’m sure I wasn’t the only person in Buffalo doing this ~ or playing couch potato while streaming The Sopranos or some other drama. 

I had cats on either side of me so I wasn’t moving anywhere on the bed, either. I was able to get pictures of them cozied up to me. We all dozed off soon after this.

It’s another windy day here in Buffalo & now the snow has started so it’s going to be another day sitting & reading ~ maybe working on a collage or the novel ~ & knitting a scarf to go with my favorite tie-dye hat ~ & definitely taking more than one snooze. 

Happy Caturday, everyone!

9 Replies to “Saturday Caturday”

  1. Mysterious joint pains do happen as one gets older, but if it’s lasted a week, it could be something more serious, like an early sign of arthritis or cartilage erosion. If your insurance situation allows, you might want to have a doctor look at it. It might be possible to mitigate it if it’s caught early.

    1. I do have insurance that will allow for doctors to look at it. I see my foot surgeon on Tuesday; I will mention the knee situation. I am sure I have arthritis. I had foot surgery because of arthritis & because there was no cartilage left at all around the toes. It’s probably the same situation with the knee.

  2. Love that pic of the “younger you”!!! And loved the kitty pics, too. Yes, my friend, this is what happens as we get older. But still, sounds like maybe you should have the knee X-rayed just to be on the safe side. Glad the kitties are keeping you safe and warm! I had to stop letting Ollie sleep with me, ’cause he kept waking me every two hours for pats, and if I didn’t wake up to pat him, he tried to take the nose off of my face!

  3. Heh, she looks like she was having the time of her life. 😀 … purrfect weather for napping and catting and watching trashy TV. 😀 … hope you can get your knee firgured out soon.

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